Game: Rainbow 6 Siege

Rainbow 6 Siege

Rainbow 6 Siege is a tactical first-person shooter game developed and published by Ubisoft. Since its release in 2015, the game has become a staple of the esports community, thanks to its unique blend of fast-paced action and tactical gameplay.

In Rainbow 6 Siege, teams of players are divided into attackers and defenders, with each team having their own objectives. Matches are typically played in a best-of-5 or best-of-10 format, with the team that wins the majority of the rounds declared the winner. The game features a variety of game modes, including bomb defusal and hostage rescue.

One of the most popular game modes is the competitive mode. This mode allows players to compete against each other in a 5v5 format, with the winner taking home a cash prize. Rainbow 6 Siege tournaments are held all over the world, and many professional players make a living by competing in these events.

One of the most unique aspects of Rainbow 6 Siege is the variety of operators available for players to choose from. Each operator has their own unique abilities and gadgets, making it essential for players to work together and build a balanced team. The operators range from Ash, who is a fast-moving attacker, to Caveira, a defender who specializes in interrogating and gathering intel on the enemy team. Each operator has their own strengths and weaknesses, and players must work together to create a cohesive team.

Another popular aspect of Rainbow 6 Siege is its destructible environments. Players can destroy walls, floors and other elements of the map to create new lines of sight and tactical opportunities, which adds an extra layer of depth and strategy to the game.

Rainbow 6 Siege is known for its fast-paced action, tactical gameplay, and its emphasis on team coordination. The series has a dedicated fanbase and has a long-standing presence in the esports scene. With the continued development of the franchise and the ever-growing popularity of esports, it’s likely that Rainbow 6 Siege will continue to be a mainstay in the competitive gaming community for many years to come.

Wales has run Rainbow 6 National teams in the Esports Cup of Nations and it’s a regular game in the Welsh Esports League. 

Rainbow 6 Siege

Rainbow 6 Siege 

Developer: Ubisoft.