Retaining People


After putting in the effort to recruit new volunteers, it’s crucial to keep them engaged and coming back week after week. The key to retaining people is making them feel valued, supported, and part of the club. Here are some tips to help you achieve that:

Make a Good First Impression

  1. Introduction: Think about how you introduce new faces at the club. Do you have an induction process in place for new members and volunteers?
  2. Club Handbook: Provide a Club Handbook to familiarise them with the club.
  3. Warm Welcome: Ensure that new volunteers feel genuinely welcomed.

Make People Feel Comfortable

  1. Ease In: Help new volunteers feel part of the team from the start.
  2. Mentoring: Assign an experienced volunteer to mentor the new recruit for the first few weeks to help them learn the ropes quickly.

Check How Things Are Going

Regular check-ins are essential. Try to meet with each volunteer at least once a year to discuss:

  1. Support and Training: Do they need any additional support or training?
  2. Role Satisfaction: Do they want to change roles or take on more/less responsibility?
  3. Sharing Roles: Are they interested in sharing a role with another volunteer?
  4. Volunteer Management Feedback: How do they feel about the club’s volunteer management?

Communicate Clearly with Your Team

Keep everyone informed about important decisions and updates:

  1. Briefings: Hold regular briefings.
  2. Social Media: Use private Facebook groups or other social media channels.
  3. Newsletters: Include sections in your newsletter specifically for volunteers, players, parents, and coaches.

Outline Commitments with Terms of Service

  1. Committee Roles: Clearly define the term of service for committee roles to make the commitment less daunting. Consider a one-year term that can be renewed annually.
  2. Feedback: Ask a few volunteers if they think this would work for your club.

Reward and Recognise Your Volunteers

Recognising and rewarding your volunteers is crucial:

  1. Appreciation: Make sure volunteers feel their contributions are important and valued.
  2. Public Praise: Publicly thank them and highlight their contributions.
  3. Rewards: Consider small rewards or tokens of appreciation to show your gratitude