Esports terminology encompasses a range of specialised terms and phrases used within the gaming community. Understanding these terms can be essential for effective communication and engagement in the world of esports.
Auto Attack – Your champions/hero will automatically attack.
Aggro – This is normally used when you get the enemy to focus on trying to attack you.
Aggressor – An aggressor in a gunfight is in motion to start the fight.
AD / Attack Damage – This normally examples an item or character. Attack damage is one type of damage that can be done to enemy champions. Others include Ability Power, True Damage etc.
AoE – Area of Effect
Arm Aiming– Primarily using one’s arm to move the mouse, instead of their wrist.
Buff – Gain something to have a power spike, this could be increased damaged, speed or defense.
Bait– A type of play where one player engages in a fight only after their ally has been fragged.
Caster – Being the commentator for a game, normally there are two casters to a match.
Call out / Calls – Teammate communication about enemy locations or specific plays for the team to execute.
CC / Crowd Control – This is an ability that normally does an area of affect and holds or slows a group in a position.
Cheese – Using easy tactic, or exploit in the game to get an advantage over the other team members.
CS / Creep Score – The amount of enemy minions that they have killed during that match.
Dive – Normally a team compensation that tactic is to rush the enemy team.
DPS – Damage per second
Farm – Kill minions or enemy champions to get stronger.
Feeding – Doing a misplay and dying to the enemy champions
FF – Stands for finish fast, Normally this is when people want to quit the game as they believe it is a loss.
Flaming – This is harassing others players in the game.
FPS – First Person Shooter is a game genre, Games like counter strike global offence, Call of Duty.
Frag – Term for picking up a kill in some first person shooter games.
Gank – The act of surprising an opponent, typically coming in from the side or behind the opponent
GG – Stands for good game, It is normally used a a sportsmanship term when you have finished a game. It can be used as a sarcastic remark if the game didn’t go well.
Glass cannon – Champion/Hero that can deal out a lot of damage but is not able to take a lot of damage. Normally this is Attack damage characters.
GLHF – Good Luck Have Fun
Griefing – This is a term of abusing other players
Harass – This term is used to attack the other player in game.
Inting – This is a reference to “intentionally feeding”
Jungler – This is a champions that roam the map in MOBAs and and doesn’t have a fixed lane
Kappa – A term used for joking abusing someone online, It’s a way people have banter together
KDA – Kill, Death, Assist
Kiting – This is a term used to hit the enemy and then move to a position and shoot them again. Always staying out of the enemies attack range.
Last Hit – The last hit on a enemy player or enemy minion. This is normally the death kill.
Macro – Short for macromanagement is everything linked to the economy. This includes gathering minerals and building up your buildings and upgrading them.
Meta – The strongest tactics currently being played.
Micro – The ability to control units individually. This term is normally used in RTS games.
MOBA – Multiplayer Online Battle Arena
Nerf – To make something less strong
NPC – Non Player Character
OOM – Out of Mana
Peel – To pull a player away from the group so they can be attacked
Proc – To activate an automatic ability
Push – To move forward
QQ – This term is used to tell people to just quite because they are not skilled
Rank – A player’s rating based on points accumulated through wins and in-game performance. Most esports titles use some form of bronze, silver, gold, platinum, diamond and master ranks. While rank is not an objective measure of ability, higher-ranked players are typically able to win more games and obtain a higher rank. Ranks do not change quickly and normally takes months to move up ranks.
Recall -To teleport back to base
RNG – Random Number Generation. It conveys the random aspects of the game
Rotation – To move around the map
RTS – Real Time Strategy
Rush – To push the enemy team or objective quickly
Salty – Someone being unpleasant in game
Shotcaller – The person calling the tactics and what the team are doing
Skillshot – A ability that needs to be aimed to used
Snowball – A the team or champion gets strong they are able to kill more and keep getting stronger
Tank – A defensive champion/hero that can take a lot of damage but normally are not able to put out a lot of damage.
Tilt – When someone gets annoyed at the game and they think that they are going to lose
Ultimate – Normally the strongest ability of a champions/hero
Vision – What you can see on a map, this term is normally used in RTS and MOBAs
Wards – These are items that you can place on a map to give you vision
Zoning – This is blocking the enemy team from moving forward. If they do move forward you either do damage to them or dive them. This puts them in a disadvantage