Staff Introduction – Gukek (steffcymru)

Posted by John Jackson ON July 6, 2020 in COMMUNITY
Today we sat down with Gukek aka Steffan Rees.
What is your gamer tag and how did you get the name?
Gukek, random name generator from swtor that kinda stuck after using just my real name for far too long.

What age did you start playing games and what’s the first game you remember playing?
around 5/6 i’d say, when the playstation first released.
What made you decide to pursue a role in Esports? 
my passion for all things Welsh and giving Wales the platform for esports in hope to get worldwide recognition one day.
What’s your all time favourite game?
Doom, Half Life or Broken Sword.. it’s impossible to pick one, there’s so many that are amazing in their own ways.
What is a typical day like for you?
some days busy, some more chill… i’m a business owner, developing a second at the moment and trying to build my own home. But video games and all things Wales are my passion so i always make time.
What do you like to do when you aren’t gaming or working in gaming? 
Hiking, dog walking, gardening.
Can you give any advice to anyone looking to start working in the Esports industry?
if you’re in a position to help people, volunteer or just make the effort to turn out to community events then you absolutely should. start with just one step at a time and see where it takes you.
Any shout-outs?

Quick Fire Round!!!

1. PC or Console?


2. Prime or Netflix?


3. Cat or Dog?


4. Star Trek or Star Wars?

Star Wars

5. Coffee or Tea?


6. Android or iOS?


7. Facebook or Twitter?


8. Instagram or Snapchat ?


9. Pepsi or Coke?


10. Brown or White Bread?


11. Ghost Busters or Goosebumps

Ghost Busters

12. South Wales or North Wales


13. Ice or Fire


14. Football or Rugby


15. Twitch or Youtube


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John Jackson
John Jackson, also known as SlayerJohn, leads Esports Wales with passion and vision. As a seasoned esports enthusiast, John's leadership drives innovation and growth within Wales' gaming community. Follow his journey and insights on X(Twitter) @JohnJackson750 and connect on LinkedIn John Jackson.