Career: Observer

Careers: Observer

As the esports industry continues to grow rapidly, more and more jobs are becoming available for individuals with diverse skill sets. One such job is that of an Observer, a crucial role in esports events and tournaments. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at what an Observer does, the skills and experience required for the job, and how the role ties into the esports industry.


What does an Observer do in the esports industry?


An Observer in esports is responsible for capturing the action of the game from a spectator’s point of view. They are tasked with directing the cameras to ensure the most exciting and important moments of the game are captured for viewers to watch. Observers work closely with other members of the broadcast team, including producers, commentators, and analysts, to ensure that the broadcast is engaging and informative.


The role of an Observer is especially important in games where multiple players are involved, such as first-person shooters or strategy games. In these games, the Observer must be able to switch between different player perspectives seamlessly, providing viewers with a clear understanding of the action happening in the game.


What skills and experience are required to become an Observer?


To become an Observer in esports, you will need to have a deep understanding of the game you are observing. This means playing the game at a high level, understanding the nuances of the game, and being able to anticipate the action before it happens. You should also have experience in video production and broadcasting, with a strong understanding of camera work, lighting, and audio.


In addition to these technical skills, an Observer must also have excellent communication skills. They must be able to work effectively with other members of the broadcast team, including producers, commentators, and analysts. They must also be able to communicate clearly and effectively with the players in the game, ensuring that the broadcast captures all the key moments.


How does the role of an Observer tie into the esports industry?


As the esports industry continues to grow, the role of an Observer is becoming increasingly important. With more and more fans tuning in to watch esports events, the need for high-quality broadcasts is critical. Observers play a crucial role in ensuring that the broadcast is engaging and informative, capturing all the key moments of the game and providing viewers with a clear understanding of what’s happening.


The role of an Observer also ties into the broader trend of professionalization within the esports industry. As more money is poured into the industry, there is an increasing demand for highly skilled professionals who can help to create high-quality events and broadcasts. Observers are just one example of the many different roles available in the esports industry, and as the industry continues to grow, there will be more and more opportunities for individuals with diverse skill sets to find a career in this exciting field.




Becoming an Observer in the esports industry is an exciting opportunity for individuals who are passionate about gaming, video production, and broadcasting. With the industry continuing to grow, there will be more and more opportunities for Observers and other professionals to find a career in this exciting field. If you have a passion for gaming, a deep understanding of the nuances of the game, and a strong technical skill set, then becoming an Observer in the esports industry may be the perfect career for you.