Career: Team Manager

Careers: Team Manager / Game Manager

Esports has grown rapidly over the years, and with this growth comes an increasing need for effective team management. Team managers play a crucial role in the success of esports organizations and the teams they represent. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at the career of a team manager in the esports industry and how this role ties into the world of esports.


What is a Team / Game Manager?


A team manager is responsible for overseeing and managing all aspects of a team’s operations. In esports, this includes tasks such as organizing practice schedules, coordinating travel arrangements, managing budgets, handling contracts, and communicating with sponsors and other stakeholders. The team manager is also responsible for fostering a positive team culture and ensuring that the players are equipped with the resources and support they need to perform at their best.


Skills and Qualifications


To be a successful team manager in esports, you need a unique combination of skills and qualifications. While there is no set path to becoming a team manager, certain skills and experiences can increase your chances of success.


One of the most important skills for a team manager is strong communication skills. A team manager must be able to communicate effectively with players, coaches, sponsors, and other stakeholders to ensure that everyone is on the same page. Additionally, organizational and leadership skills are crucial, as team managers need to be able to manage complex schedules and oversee a variety of different tasks.


A strong understanding of esports and the competitive landscape is also important. Many successful team managers have backgrounds in esports, whether as former players or coaches, or through experience working with other esports organizations. A degree in business or a related field can also be helpful, as it provides a foundation in management, finance, and other key skills.


Tying into Esports


Team managers play a critical role in the success of esports organizations and teams. They are the glue that holds everything together and ensures that the team operates smoothly both on and off the stage. Without a strong team manager, even the most talented esports teams can struggle to succeed.


In addition to managing the team, a team manager also serves as the public face of the organization. They are responsible for representing the team in public appearances, interviews, and other events. This means that they must be able to communicate effectively and professionally, both with fans and with other stakeholders.


Esports is a rapidly growing industry, and as such, there is a high demand for talented team managers. As teams continue to compete at higher levels and attract more fans and sponsors, the need for effective team management will only continue to grow.



In conclusion, a career as a team manager in the esports industry can be both exciting and rewarding. It requires a unique set of skills and qualifications, including strong communication, organizational, and leadership skills, as well as a deep understanding of esports and the competitive landscape.


As esports continues to grow and evolve, the role of the team manager will only become more important. Those who are passionate about esports and have the necessary skills and experience may find that a career as a team manager is a perfect fit for them.