Club Meetings


Successful esports clubs are well-run and organised, with effective club meetings.


A general meeting is open to all members, unlike board or committee meetings.

There are usually two types of general meetings: the Annual General Meeting (AGM) and the Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM). These should be referenced in the constitution, which should also outline the rules for these meetings, such as:

  1. The quorum (the minimum number of people needed to make the meeting official)
  2. The notice period required to inform members
  3. The timeline for issuing the Agenda


The main reasons for holding an AGM are:

  1. Electing the board for the following year
  2. Discussing and voting on amendments to the constitution or club rules
  3. Producing the annual accounts
  4. Highlighting the club’s achievements over the past 12 months

Top Tips for AGMs:

  1. Know if nominations for new committee members must be taken in advance or at the meeting (most AGMs require a proposer and a seconder for each nomination).
  2. Delegate duties: The Secretary usually organizes the AGM, but the Treasurer, Chairperson, and Volunteer Coordinator will also have roles to play.
  3. Arrange the venue, date, and time of the AGM well in advance.
  4. Promote the AGM well and be welcoming to all members. Consider offering a fun, social element to encourage attendance. This ensures the decision-making process is fair and representative of the club. It also provides an opportunity to involve new people in the club’s management.

Sample Agenda for AGM:

  1. Apologies for absence
  2. Minutes of the previous AGM
  3. Matters Arising
  4. Chairperson’s Report
  5. Secretary’s Report
  6. Treasurer’s Report
  7. Election of Officers
  8. Date of next meeting (if known)


EGMs are called if at least a third of the club’s members (or another proportion specified in the constitution) wish to amend a club rule, amend the constitution, or discuss any other important, urgent matters that cannot wait until the AGM.


Committee meetings are organised by elected officers to manage the day-to-day running of the club.

Keep these club meetings short, to the point, and ensure they are necessary to maintain interest among officers. The role of the Chairperson is crucial in this regard.

Sample Agenda for Committee Meeting:

  1. Attendance
  2. Apologies for absence
  3. Review of previous minutes
  4. Meeting objective (state the overall outcome of the meeting)
  5. Agenda items for discussion (ask attendees to send in any items in advance)
  6. Actions/Outcomes (detail in minutes if a decision or vote is required or if someone is assigned to lead any agenda items)
  7. Date of next meeting
  8. Any other business (AOB)

Many clubs find it helpful to develop rules and guidelines for the conduct of committee meetings to keep everyone on track.


Minutes are an important part of every meeting. Here are some top tips for taking minutes:

  1. Be concise and clear
  2. Record decisions and actions
  3. Note who is responsible for each action
  4. Include the date and time of the next meeting
  5. Circulate minutes promptly after the meeting

By following these guidelines, you can ensure your esports club is well-managed and operates smoothly.