Our very own DannyDineen made it to the Quarter finals in the FIFA ePremierLeague 2018/2019 at Manchester City’s Etihad Stadium.
Out of thousands of players DannyDineen got to the top 6th which is one hell of a achievement.

We asked DannyDineen what he thought of it all. “It was a cracking experience playing FIFA in Manchester. I got to play some high level players but only could walk away with one win and one lost, but out of thousands of people I am glad I came 6th, well I think. I can’t wait for the next tournament now.”
These were some of the other opponents DannyDineen faced in the tournament.
Qualified Players for XBOX One
Gamertag | First Name | Last Name |
Class Doyle | Adam | Doyle |
CRISS MG | Cristian | Magera |
Dannydineen | Daniel | Dineen |
Double Melees | Josh | Chadwick |
Fireball342 | Mike | Bates |
l Dinho l | Tom | Andrews |
IAmLegendZ Pro | Daniel | Mundy-Court |
iBattle Cat | Connor | Keys |
LukeSteevo | Luke | Stephenson |
Mcfc Anthonyy | Anthony | Leach |
Miniwheel | Nathan | Gerrard |
SubZero5541 | Umar | Modan |
epoxzzy | Harry | Leversidge |
Ryanpowell93 | Ryan | Powell |

You can check out more from DannyDineen on his social media.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/daniel_dineen/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Daniel_Dineen
You can find out more about the EPL here: https://www.premierleague.com/epl